Massages & Bodywork of all kinds

All kinds of massages & bodywork in Yelapa, Mexico can give you that deep nurturing human touch to slow down, working with your nervous system, invigorating your tissues to move blood and oxygen around for detoxification, aligning energetic blockages and stagnation, and can even sit you into that deep rest between wakefulness and sleep, that lucid state in healing the mind, body, and emotions.

Below are a list of different types of massages that can be found here: We have teamed up with several local masseuses, bodyworkers, and energy workers to bring you the very best in restoring your homeostasis.

Service Options:

  • Gentle / Relaxation Massage, is a smooth, gentle, flowing style that promotes general relaxation, relieves muscular tension, plus improves circulation and range of motion.

  • Deep Tissue, can release knots, realign muscle fibers, and restore flexibility, providing a sense of deep relaxation and relief.

  • Reflexology, a massage of the feet connecting to areas that correlate with the organs of the body to support healthy function and alleviate stress

  • Somawave Therapy, Sound Vibration Therapy with deep tissue massage, using sound wave technology to experience deep relaxation, unwind muscles and calm the mind.

  • Structural alignment, consisting of the manipulation of the entire (MSS?)(sistema musculo-esquelético) body from TOES to Head aiding with the proper healing of the body and possibly beginning a journey of healing and self discovery.

  • Client Centered Relaxation, is a unique relaxation experience taylored to each person’s needs, incorporating 25 years in the healing arts, combining medical therapeutic massage, shiatsu, Swedish, deep tissue, reflexology, myofascial, and 2nd degree reiki healing.

  • Reiki, is an experience where the masseuse gently moves their hands just above or on your clothed body, with the intention of reducing stress and promoting healing by encouraging a healthy flow of energy. It can help relieve anxiety, pain, depression, and hyperactivity of the autonomic nervous system.

  • Thai Massage, is the combination of yoga stretching, calmness of meditation, with acupressure, exercise movement and reflexology that makes it a healing art.  It is worked on the floor with the client dressed in comfortable loose clothing.  Its primary aim is to restore and balance the body’s energy system which comprises of a multitude of energy lines that run through the body. These energy lines cannot be seen by most people, but it is possible to feel them. They are part of many Eastern healing traditions. In the West the Chinese acupuncture meridians are the most well-known version.

  • Myofascial Release, Myofascial restrictions may be a result of a inflammatory response, trauma and/or a surgical procedure. Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) focuses on softening the connective tissue to release muscular shortness and tightness while freeing fascial restrictions. On a nervous system level this work helps the body become more aware of itself and less prone to injury. 

    MFR is applied by using gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion.

  • Agua Vida Therapy, this gentle yet deep form of body therapy is performed in the luxury of warm salt-water (body temperature.)  It combines elements of massage, joint mobilisation, muscle stretching and acupressure. The receiver is continuously supported while being floated, cradled, rocked and stretched. The deeply relaxing effects of warm water and nurturing support, combine with Aqua-Vie's movements, stretches, massage and point work, to create a bodywork with a range of therapeutic benefits and profound healing on many levels.